Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thought 10: Awesome things that make me smile :]

1. When someone calls or texts when you were just thinking about them.

2. Peeling plastic film off electronics :)

3. Anytime someone sets you up for a musical reference

4. Coming up with an awesome qwip

5. Waking up from a unexpected nap.

6. Flipping to a radio station just as a song I love is starting

7. The sound the computer makes when i empty my recycle bin

8. Drinking through the little hole of a coffee stirrer

9. When something is so funny that you laugh and no sound comes out

10. Cleaning the lint out of the lint trap of a dryer

11. When you sit an entire movie wondering where the actor is from and you remember.

12. That I am never too old to build a fort.

13. Pushing the buttons on a soft drink lid

14. Sitting in the grass up north

15. Inch Worms

16. Popping bubble wrap

17. The smell of the coffee aisle in the supermarket

18. The sound and smell of a campfireeee

19. Breaking out my old segaaaaaa

20. Roasting marshmallows

21. The sound of scissors cutting construction paper

22. Lemonade stands

23. Fun dip stick

24. The first shower you take after not taking a shower in a really long time(haha jess)

25. Ripping fabric

26. When whatever you cook looks like the picture on the box

27. The smell of bleach

28. When you take a ponytail out and after it is still damp and you hair still smells like you just got out of the shower

29. When you wear clothes straight from the dryer

30. The sound from opening a container of new tennis balls

31. The names of different crayons

32. That chill on your skin from walking from a cold temperature to a warm one

33. Johnny Depp

34. When someone says something you were thinking

35. Theme songs

36. Little kids who are vulgar

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